with a 401K should know that the above photo is good growth for your future.
Few know, or believe, that this photo could also represent your karma over the
course of past, present, and future lives. I'm not going to get into the
"proof" of past lives as much as I'm going to reveal two meditations
and the past life information passed on to me for my future growth in this
incarnation. For each soul's journey, it is based on personal revelation that
doesn't require others to accept for you to learn and grow from it.
Temple of the Sacred Flame
I was with the Arthurian/Old Welsh pagan group, one person had a good idea to
have a writing club of sorts. Once a month, we would get together and present
something we have written that helps us in our spiritual growth. At the time I
was working on finding an elemental representation for the four corners (that's
another term for the points on the compass). I did west first, which was water
and by far the easiest. Air was the second easier for east, and north/earth was
fairly easy as well. The only hang up I
was having was connecting with fire to get my elemental for the south.
So, I sat down in a meditation
determined to break through the block.
What I didn’t realize at the time was what the universe decided to show
me as a result. I will write it below in
a story form to give you the whole experience as I felt, saw, and reacted to
my body relaxed, my mind felt suspended between this world and the next. I could only see darkness until I opened my
mind’s eyes and I was standing in another world.
was night and I was just outside the stone gate of an impressive stone
building. It was encircled with a stone
trench in which a fire burned. The fire
rode up the archway that stood as the entrance into the inner courtyard. I passed through the entrance and walked down
a stone path to the temple. I knew this
place. It was rectangular with obelisks
on the four corners. Instead of a
pyramid cap on the obelisks, a flame topped each one.
ducked slightly on entering the stone temple and was greeted by servants who
directed me to a room to the left where I could shed my clothes and put on a
white robe. Then, I walked through
another door on the right where stone benches were set within the middle of the
room. Many were already seated in this
room and there was a priest at the head of the room, softly directing a
meditation. I sat down and followed the
guided meditation to let go of things past, let go of my negative self and seek
inner purification.
the meditation, there was an antechamber to the right where a servant handed me
a strigil and bowl of oil as I passed through into a larger room that blasted me
with humidity. The oil was seasoned with
specific herbs from the area to speed up the purifying effects of the sauna –
one of which I recognized as cassia oil.
The sauna also had benches like the meditation room, this time laid with
cloth so the bench wouldn’t burn you as you sat on it. Here I applied oil to my exposed skin and use
the strigil to slough off the excess as an additional meditation on
purification. After the third
application, it was time to enter another antechamber to have the servants take
the strigil and empty bowl and hand me a thin cloth to serve as a towel as I
pass through into another room to the right.
In this room was a large pool. I handed
a servant the cloth, then slid into the pool, my heated skin from the sauna was
cooled by the tepid water and I swam to the other side to the exit. Another
servant handed me a cloth and I dried myself the best I could as I entered into
the next room.
is the antechamber to the Sacred Flame.
Knowledge of the legend of the Sacred Flame filled my mind as I walked
into this empty chamber where two servants waited on either side of the door to
the labyrinth. Legend around the Sacred
Flame was that a god came from the sky and gave mankind the Sacred Flame,
starting with the first priest and priestess to tend it. It was carried within an urn before the
temple was built and the Sacred Flame itself gave instructions on what should
be within the temple and be required of those coming to seek its wisdom. The labyrinth was a way of initiating the
mind’s higher frequencies before seeing the Sacred Flame and those who do not
achieve that higher frequency only saw a bowl in the center of the room the
labyrinth ended at with nothing in it.
successful person would see a flame within the bowl that needed no oil or some
other flammable material to maintain its fire.
No heat would come from the flame either, but it provided light
immeasurable. The Sacred Flame would
form a face to speak with or a creature such as a fire drake or dragon for the
person to identify with. If bidden, one
must climb the stairs leading to the large bowl and enter the flame for direct

I had finished the labyrinth walk, I met the bowl with a flame within. I was bidden to enter it for direct
communication. Once inside the flame, I
was shown myself as a Nubian priestess who once tended the Sacred Flame. I was shown that Nubians once ruled Egypt and
this temple was located in the southern kingdom near the Nubian homelands. This was before the Great Pyramids were
built. I had six children, all tall and
strong and blessed by the Sacred Flame. Now
the Temple of the Sacred Flame only resides in the astral and the Sacred Flame
itself was separated into parts and distributed among the priests and
priestesses to carry within their person to be reunited at a later date. War had torn down the temple and scattered
its worshippers.
asked what elemental should be my representative for the south. The Fire Drake was shown to me. And that
ended the meditation.
Flame Meditation
I wasn’t actively seeking my Twin
Flame. I had no idea one existed until Guinevere
showed him to me. I don’t recall much
about the meditation, only I was in my special place I designed myself on the
astral – an isolated and protected island with a four pointed hut, mountain,
white beaches, lush jungle and natural springs and pools. I was in a garden within the jungle not far
from the hut and sitting on a bench talking with Guinevere. We were arguing about the soul, whether or
not it could be split and still reincarnate.
She told me to come back to the hut and she’ll bring someone to prove
it. So, I went back to the star-shaped
hut and sat in the middle on a settee and waited. When Guinevere came back, she was with
someone very special to me.
wasn’t very tall and neither was I, but the man with her was well over six foot
with broad shoulders. He was wearing a
robe of green and white which made him look even taller and thin, so very
thin. His features were boy-like and
almost feminine. His blonde hair was
dark, almost a brown, and hung down to his shoulders. His eyes were brown with hints of green, like
hazel. His nose was petite, lips full,
and had a high brow. Not exactly what I
would say as handsome, but there was instant attraction. Something about him felt raw and familiar all
at once. Guinevere made the
introduction, “This is your other half; the Soul that was split from yours many
lifetimes ago. I will leave you both to reacquaint
came forward slowly and took my hands in his and looked down at me. “Do you remember me?” he asked.
shook my head. I was afraid and not very
trusting of my own feelings at the time.
As much as I longed for something like this, I was also very frightened
of it from experiences similar in the real world that were wrong and deceiving.
sat beside me on the settee and began to tell me a story. He said he was a woman in the 1400’s in
France during the time of Joan of Arc.
He was a widow at the time and his name was Geraldine due to his mother’s
German heritage. I, he said, was a
nobleman who owned the lands the village he lived in at the time belonged
to. I was somehow distantly related to
the man who claimed to be king of France, but I was also a soldier. I was married, but the woman was sickly after
giving birth to a stillborn child shortly after our first year of
marriage. I had seen Geraldine in the
village many times and was very attracted, but it was years before I began
seeking her out and became her lover.
to the religious beliefs of the time, I never set aside my barren wife and took
Geraldine as my wife. Geraldine became a
“kept woman” and received a stipend each month which grew as she birthed
another child she conceived by me.
was speechless. I asked the obvious
questions: What was my name? What were our children’s names? What did I look like? Why tell me all of this? I was told to go to the Akashic records to
look up this life. If it is to be
revealed to me further, I would have my answers. The guardians who protect the records would
give me all I need to know in order to fulfill my work and destiny in this
several nights of meditation after this initial meeting, we continued to meet
and talk. We shared chakra energy and
talked about my karmic debt. I came up
with the name Herald (like Hark the Herald Angels) as a pun on his role in
being a messenger of “good tidings”. I
begged him for information about himself and begged to meet him in person on
the physical plane, but I was always denied and the begging always ended with
him leaving my space on the astral.
he was no longer joining me on the Astral.
I was told by a guide that his time with me was up and I needed to move
forward. It was heart breaking to not
see him, but I had a lot of unfinished business and souls to meet and learn
lessons from. With my focus on Herald, I
would never move forward and find release from the karmic debt I have built up.
My fellow writer, and dear friend, DianaMurdock has written a fantastic blog post on this very thing.
What I found out recently was that he
has never left me, only stayed away from direct contact. He looks different now in my mind. In the past seven years, his shoulders are
broader, his hair shorter and darker and his thin body has filled out with lean
muscle. He comes to me in a guide role
now and helps me to recharge and raise my vibrational energy.